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​"The template is excellent. Makes work significantly easier, shortens processes and the work is much more organized and professional. It is worth noting especially the support and the very professional service"

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"The dynamic blocks are excellent. The block front/plan options are very helpful for layouts. All in all - an excellent product - everyone who works with AutoCAD should have."

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​"Genius idea! Great user experience. Saved us a lot of time drawing plans. All processes are made more efficient. You are always available for questions. Most importantly the plans come out well-organized & professional. highly recommend"

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"I have been drawing manually for many years. I decided this year to optimize my work process.

After searching the net, I came across your template, which I found super comfortable and simple."

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​"Optimization and significant shortening of working hours. Amazing Dynamic blocks!!! Realy worth it"

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"First of all, I want to say thank you. The template is really the best gift I could give myself!
Just shortens my drawing times and my design has improved thanks to the workflow!
Truly a life changer, I'm so glad I bought it!!"

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"An amazing file!
Thorough and dedicated work that saves a lot of drafting time and allows you to produce high-level plans"

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"I purchased the file and it is indescribable how much time and headache it saves me on a daily basis. It makes work easier and shortens sketching times! I strongly recommend purchasing as soon as possible and start working more accurately and professionally."

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"The secret file is simply a gift! Saves valuable time, the plans look super professional and it made me organized. Suddenly I enjoyed sketching (which I usually like less). Highly recommended!!"

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"A huge thank you for the amazing file that within 5 hours fixed two days' worth of work for me!! Definitely a wonder! and those who haven't tried then You must immediately!"

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"One of the most significant files in my life. Thanks to the file, my work has become more efficient and faster. The file is professional, easy to use, with quality dynamic blocks. Beyond this very efficient file, the service and response is pleasant, fast and convenient. If you haven't purchased one, do yourself a favor and make sure you have it. Highly recommend!"

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"I've been an architect for over a decade. The products are amazing. They make me not forget any detail along the way and that's the main thing. I recommend the template from the moment you
Starting to study architecture or design, worth every penny. And I'm not even talking about the wonderful service of this business that gives support to customers with a smile and full of love."

"L'acquisto migliore che abbia fatto!! Non immaginavo e invece ha migliorato notevolmente il mio lavoro rendendo molte cose più veloci e automatizzate. Il mio unico rammarico è non averlo scoperto prima. Il pacchetto è fatto benissimo con istruzioni e suggerimenti molto efficaci. Davvero super consigliato a me ha cambiato il mio modo di lavorare con autocad."
- Romina Bertazz, Architetto, 12.2023

Flusso di lavoro migliore

  • Anni di esperienza nel disegno racchiusi in un unico file.

  • 53 livelli predefiniti, CTB ottimizzato, font, stati dei livelli e 60 layout pronti all'uso.

  • Elementi architettonici a portata di mano, basta trascinarli e rilasciarli sul piano.

  • Leggende specifiche per il piano con note, elementi e dimensioni incluse.

Efficienza automatizzata

  • Oltre 150 blocchi dinamici.

  • Campi automatici!

  • Campi per elementi (attributi).

  • Blocchi intelligenti: nasconderanno le linee sottostanti.

  • Nessuna necessità di accendere e spegnere i livelli manualmente!

Preset Professionali

  • Spessore di linea ottimizzato, colori, livelli e dimensioni dei font.

  • Note integrate e gruppi di lavoro pre-preparati.

  • CTB pre-preparato per impostazioni di stampa professionali.

  • 60 layout preimpostati per ciascun tipo di piano.

Oltre un decennio della nostra conoscenza nel disegno è racchiuso in un unico posto, con un investimento una tantum di circa l'1% del tuo prossimo progetto!

Un investimento che ti farà avanzare di 10 anni nella professionalità dei disegni, se non hai un tuo modello, o ti offrirà una soluzione più completa e integrata, al di là del modello che già possiedi.

La nostra responsabilità è la tua soddisfazione! Se qualcosa non funziona, siamo qui per supportare e assicurarci che tutto sia compreso e di successo; garantito.

Cosa è incluso nel modello?
Architectural elements for plans
Architectural elements for elevations
Dozens of smart blocks
Built-in notes for each program
Useful notes
Professional fonts
Dimensions by scale
Text styles by scale
Work groups - drag & place
Legends by plan
Electric dynamic points
Professional project details block
Auto' date in project details
Attributes for elements
 60 layouts
53 layers
28 layers states
Shortcuts table
Standard DWG file
Can be changed & customized
No need to install LISP's
Just install fonts & CTB
Ecco un'anteprima di un riscontro proveniente dalla vasta clientela soddisfatta
customer profile picture

"Questo è il sogno di ogni professionista che lavora con AutoCAD! Ho acquistato senza esitazioni ogni possibile modello che avete creato!! Il modello è molto comprensibile, organizzato e incredibilmente accurato, accompagnato da spiegazioni efficaci e consigli. Come designer e disegnatore che trascorre lunghe ore con AutoCAD, devo notare che i tempi di disegno si sono notevolmente accorciati e sono diventati più qualitativi e più redditizi!!!! Grazie mille per un prodotto meraviglioso." - Sigal Sherwin

customer profile picture

"l file segreto dovrebbe essere visibile e noto a tutti perché è semplicemente eccellente.

Ottimizza il lavoro, risparmia tempo prezioso e semplifica i processi. Mi dispiace non averlo avuto prima ma meglio tardi che mai!" - Yael Gurevitch

customer profile picture

"Questo è un enorme passo avanti per me. Conosco AutoCAD, ho frequentato diversi corsi per approfondire la mia comprensione, ma mi mancava ancora la lucidatura grafica, blocchi utili e ordine nel mio lavoro. Il modello presenta tutto in modo perfetto, spiegato, organizzato e facile da usare. E il servizio clienti è eccellente, rispondono a ogni domanda con piacevolezza e professionalità. Grazie per tutto. Designer e disegnatori, non ci pensate due volte. Ne vale la pena!" - Yeela Tzoreff

customer profile picture

"Non capisci, solo dopo non so quanto tempo, ho improvvisamente goduto del disegno. Tutti i blocchi si girano facilmente e tutti gli elementi cambiano con un clic, non capisci quale piacere sia.

Questo prodotto di vostra è geniale!

È davvero, davvero buono. Ed è spiegato chiaramente! Sono così felice di averlo acquistato e di avermi dato tempo per impararlo." - ​Aya Goz

customer profile picture

"Volevo dire grazie per l'eccellente modello! Devo dire che all'inizio non è stato facile per me abituarmi a qualcosa di nuovo, ma quando ho iniziato a conoscerlo, tutto è decisamente molto più efficiente - lavorare in questo modo è più organizzato e per questo vi ringrazio molto. Anche le spiegazioni allegate e le risposte alle domande sono state utili e di aiuto." - Iris Peles

customer profile picture

"Ho acquistato i modelli A2 e A3 che includono anche i blocchi dinamici. Il prodotto è semplicemente eccellente!!! Risparmia tempo lavorando sui piani e, di conseguenza, la loro visibilità è ordinata, organizzata e professionale." - Nili Sobotka

clients using template

Il modello AutoCAD segreto

Come ridurre in modo significativo i tempi di esecuzione di un disegno eseguito con AutoCAD e produrre progetti più professionali ed esteticamente gradevoli in pochi minuti.

senza modificare la tua routine o acquistare corsi o software costosi

What happens after working with our exclusive file?

The drawing process will become simpler and easier

The drawing time will significantly shortened!

The drawings will be more professional and aesthetic!!

Count on us for assistance!

Benefit from complimentary technical support for one month beginning from your purchase date.

(Please Note: Our technical support addresses troubleshooting and template-related issues, excluding AutoCAD training sessions.)

Bonus aggiuntivi con il tuo acquisto:

Our story

We understand firsthand the myriad tasks that interior designers and architects juggle daily.


From client meetings to site visits, supplier discussions, quoting, sketching, planning, accounting, marketing, sales, and maintaining a personal life – it's a whirlwind!

Why do we understand? Because we've been there. We've lived and breathed the behind-the-scenes of your world.

Our products were born out of a singular purpose: to save you time. We recognize that every minute is invaluable to your business.

Previously, our company specialized in providing professional work plans as a service. By taking on drafting tasks for interior designers, we freed up their time to deliver exceptional service, focus on new projects, and attract new clients. We provided our customers with peace of mind because we excelled at what we did – our focus was solely on these plans.

Today, we're harnessing all the knowledge accumulated over the years to create products that simplify and streamline AutoCAD drafting – making your work easier and more efficient.

As one of our customers once said, inadvertently giving us the name for our template: "From now on, it's my secret file. I wish I knew about it sooner. It's truly life-changing."

I invite you to join us in working smarter and more accurately.

Lily S.Y.


  • What's the reason behind offering various sizes for the file?
    Our files vary in 'layouts' settings, offering flexibility to tailor to your needs. We've meticulously set up page sizes, frame adjustments, and project details strips across 60 layouts, ensuring swift printing. Opt for our package with pre-set sizes for hassle-free and time-saving solutions. Discover our template available in various sizes for your convenience: A3, A2, A1, A0. You can buy a single size and manually adjust to others at your convenience, or choose a package of various sizes to save valuable time.
  • What's the best way to select the perfect package for my needs?
    It's easy! Select a package based on your project sizes! If your projects typically align with A2 and A3 page sizes, opt for the 2-size package: A2+A3. For versatile needs, the all-inclusive 4-size package is your best choice, and it's the most cost-effective option. This ensures seamless transitions between projects, allowing for swift and efficient workflow.
  • May I preview the contents of the template?
    Sure! Explore the complete list with screenshots showcasing all the features and elements included in our template. Access it right here:
  • What system of units i can find in the template? (metric or inches)
    At present, our template is exclusively available in the metric system. If you require it in inches, kindly email us at, and we'll promptly inform you once it's available in our store.
  • Is there a version available in English?
    Yes! You can find our English products, here: Please take note: Upon purchasing the Italian version, you are eligible to receive the English version at no extra charge. Simply send us an email requesting the English version, and we'll promptly provide it to you! Both versions contain identical content; the only distinction lies in the language of the texts.
  • Are prices available for viewing?
    Certainly! You can find all our packages and their respective prices on our 'Price List':
  • How can I buy the file?
    It's simple! Visit our online store: Select the package that best fits your needs Upon completing your purchase, the files will automatically be sent to your email.
  • I already have my own template. What will the file renew for me?
    The honest is answer is that we don't really know because we have not seen your template. What we do know is that even architects and interior designers who had a template before purchased ours, said that it was innovative for them and that theirs was not as comprehensive and advanced as ours. For example, almost no one already had a template with LAYER STATES - one of the most effective tools on the market. Many did not have an automated date field that was updated after saving in all plans. They did not have fully dynamic blocks that worked well, a professional electrical legend, or predefined layouts for quick printing. For example: Our sink block has 18 different modes, and each mode is dynamic (it can be easily changed with the handles or by typing the desired size )
  • What drawing skills do I need to have in order to use it?
    To work with our secret template you need to know how to draft in AutoCAD at a basic level. Without any prior knowledge of the software it will be very difficult to understand how to draw using the template or in AutoCAD in general; not just in our file. Basic familiarity is enough to work with your file. Everything will already be in the file and set up for you - and you’ll just need to drag and place.
  • Can I modify the file myself and make my own adjustments?
    Yes, of course. no problem! The file is a regular DWG file. You can add / change anything you want.
  • There's a lot of free materials on the internet... I can do it myself
    Correct! You can sit and build this kind of file by yourself at no cost at all. Well at least not a direct cost but one that is measured first and foremost in time. In a long time... We have been drafting in AUTOCAD for many years and our understanding is unmatched.. You can sit down and make one in two or three full month …(yep, that is the amount of time it will take you to get to the level of details in our file). Or you could invest the cost of an hour or two of your work and get that knowledge from us.
  • How long will it take me to adapt to working with your file?
    It varies. Depends on your level of knowledge in AutoCAD. If you know AutoCAD and have already drawn plans in the past in AutoCAD, it can take from 10 minutes to an hour to understand how to work with our file. That time would be spent basically to getting to know all the elements inside. This is a completely regular AutoCAD file! It has everything in one place! We save you months of work making one like this yourself. What’s more, it contains elements and combinations you probably wouldn’t have created yourself.
  • I purchased a template from others before and I wasn’t satisfied.
    We understand. There are all kind of templates in the market. But from our experience and conversations with our customers we know that our secret file is the most comprehensive. None of the templates that exist in the market give a complete solution like ours with so many options. We invite you to read all the information we have listed above again and watch the video that shows the template. You can see everything the file contains in our website before you purchase. Check the page under: "inside the template"
  • What settings need to be made before starting work?
    There are only 2 things to do before starting to work: 1. Install fonts (just copy them to the right folder on your computer) 2. Install the CTB file (the file that sets the lines thickness and color) These 2 steps need to be done only once. Oh, and since no one remembers where the AutoCAD font folder is, or where to put the CTB file, we made a written & video tutorial with instructions. That way, you can install everything easily, and you can always refer back to it if necessary. One of our customers, who was really stressed about the "installations", wrote: "Wow I can not believe I did it alone!!"
  • What if I buy now and next year you will upgrade?
    Do not worry! All our customers are entitled to receive version updates for two years from the date of purchase! With no extra cost. Over time we renew, add, receive requests from the audience and then collect everything and update the secret file. Once the new version is done, we send it to our customers via email (your email is added automatically to our update list after purchase).
  • How can the file help me make an electricity plan, faster?
    The file contains dynamic electricity points and dynamic lighting points. One block that contains everything! Includes double-click for height, note, and quick numbering. You also have complete legend and groups of electricity points by rooms for quick work.
  • What do you mean: "a set of 60 layouts?"
    In each AutoCAD file, we have the model view (where you can draw the plans) and as many layouts as you want (the small tabs at the bottom of the screen, to the right of the model tab). The file has a definition of 60 layouts we already set for you! Existing state, options/sketches, floor - architectural, furniture, demolition, construction, electrical, plumbing, windows & doors, doors schedule, windows schedule, reflected ceiling, HVAC, flooring, kitchen plan, kitchen elevations, carpentry, carpentry list, bathroom plan, bathroom elevations, section A-A, section B-B and more... One set of layouts for the ground floor and another for the first floor. The layouts are predefined with layers to display each plan. It means that you draw the plan on the model space, and the plans are already ready for you to print in each layout. For example, in the "electricity" layout, only layers that are relevant to that plan (electricity) will be displayed. Automatically.
  • What are the "dynamic blocks"?
    Dynamic blocks are blocks that you can adjust in a click of a button. You can scale, rotate, stretch, mirror, and even change type using only the "handles", without tools from the menu. For example, if you want to increase the door width, all you have to do is type the new dimension + enter, and the door will change its size :)
  • What are "smart blocks"?
    Blocks that hide what behind them in the background. For example, if we take our door block and place it on one of the walls in the house, the walls below will not be displayed. It will not be necessary to  trim them in order to represent a real opening.
  • What is: "layer states manager?"
    First, it's not the layers properties menu :) When working on a complex drawing, there are times when you might want to turn some layers off, freeze some layers, and change the layer properties of others. If you ever want to return to this set of layers and their properties, using layer states makes it easy. A layer state is like a snapshot of the existing layers and layer settings when the layer state is created. A layer state is saved to the drawing and can be restored at any time. We defined 28 stats, for easier and quick work.
  • Are the smart blocks also good for the top view?
    Sure! There are blocks for plans and there are blocks for elevations.
  • Do I need special software?
    This is a completely regular DWG file. All you need is the AutoCAD software (or any other software that know to read DWG). You also don't need to install external features, LISPs, or purchase extensions.
  • Will I be able to use all the elements in the file?
    No special knowledge is required other than basic knowledge of AutoCAD software. We have already made all the complex settings for you. You just have to drag the elements and place in your plan.
  • Do I have to use layouts?
    No. It is possible to work even without the layouts. If you used to work without layouts there is no problem - you can use all the elements and ignore the layouts. But please note, our recommendation, for your sake and for more efficient process, is to use and work with layouts! Simply because it saves a lots of time. And besides, we have already defined everything for you :)
  • Can I get technical support?
    Definitely! We give technical support for one month from the date of purchase at no cost. Please note that this is technical support and not tutorials and instruction on AutoCAD. It means that if you do not know how to perform specific actions in AutoCAD, it will not be included in the support. On the other hand, questions like - I installed the fonts as you explained, but the texts still do not match, something went wrong, etc ... happily answered. Support is provided via our email, every day from 9 am to 5 pm (except on weekends). Email:
  • Is the file suitable for an older version of AutoCAD?
    Yes. From 2013 for sure :) And maybe even older but we did not check for older ...
  • Does the file work well on AutoCAD compatible Programs?
    We are not familiar with all CAD software on the market but can say that designers who work with the following software have purchased and it works great for them: Brickscad, ZWCAD, ProgCAD If your software know to work with DWG files it will know to work with the template too.

Il Pacchetto Conveniente! A3+A2+A1+A0


Ogni dimensione include 2 file: layout orizzontale e verticale (eccetto A0)


Prezzo di Vendita €97.00

best deal icon

Il File Segreto
1 dimensione


Dimensioni tra cui scegliere:
A3 / A2 / A1 / A0

Ogni dimensione include 2 file: layout paesaggio e ritratto (eccetto per A0).


Prezzo di Vendita €70.00

Il File Segreto
2 dimensioni


Combinazioni tra cui scegliere:
A3+A2 / A3+A1 / A2+A1 / A1+A0

Ogni dimensione include 2 file: layout paesaggio e ritratto (eccetto per A0).


Prezzo di Vendita €80.00

Il File Segreto
3 dimensioni


Combinazioni tra cui scegliere:
A3+A2+A1 / A2+A1+A0 / A3+A1+A0

Ogni dimensione include 2 file: layout paesaggio e ritratto (eccetto per A0).


Prezzo di Vendita €90.00

aggiornamenti della versione, senza costi aggiuntivi, per due anni!

Comandi segreti
Il nostro file di comando segreto per AutoCAD

Sconto futuro
sconto del 10% sull'acquisto di prodotti futuri.

English version
Acquista la versione italiana, ottieni la versione inglese GRATIS

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Ho capito tutto.

Questo suona geniale.

Cosa succede dopo aver acquistato il file?
Come iniziare a lavorarci

Wondering about the various file sizes?

The distinction lies solely in the layout settings.

We've meticulously configured each file with specific page sizes, frame adjustments, and project detail strips across all 60 layouts, ensuring seamless printing.

For those seeking convenience and time-saving solutions, our package featuring a selection of sizes is the perfect fit.

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